Saturday, December 7, 2013

Parenthood so far...Recap ahead

I don't think I had ever held a baby or really even looked at one super closely in person. I definitely somehow wanted to be a parent, though. Oscar's due date was May 7th 2013 but he was born on May 4th. Coincidentally I had made plenty of jokes about hoping he was born on May 4th up until that point but once the day arrived and I realized it was happening I remember wishing I had a few more days or maybe a few more weeks. 

I got my hair chopped off while I was in labor. Not my best idea. I was having contractions every 6 or 7 minutes at that point and couldn't sit still very well. 

I didn't have my 'dream birth'. It was nothing like I had imagined and after hours with no progress I begged for the epidural. Sitting still for it was the worst part. The rest was easy. It all seems easy looking back. Some of mother nature's voodoo, for sure. 
He was a lot stronger than I expected him to be. But really I had nothing except TV to build my expectations from so that's not saying a lot. He didn't fit in the outfit I brought for him or maybe I was too afraid to tug the onesie over his tiny little head. I regretted letting the hospital photographer take pictures of him. He hated it and it made me anxious, too. He held his head up really well from the start.

We started getting little smiles around 4 weeks. He could sit up unassisted at 5 months. Sit himself up from his tummy by 6 months and started crawling about the same time. Now at 7 months he is standing and working on taking his first step. He can sign dog and milk and is starting to wave and clap. He is still very uninterested in solid foods. So far he likes to suck on apples, he'll take a bite of banana and he likes these yogurt bites that I'm not sure if I approve of yet. Still no teeth. 

He likes all the songs from the Winnie the Pooh movie and his favorite toy is a little yellow moon thing that goes to his shape sorter. 

For probably the first three months I felt really awkward even picking Oscar up. Now I have no idea what I was doing to make it feel so weird. 

Nothing went as expected. I never wanted to cosleep but we started at around 3 months and I love it. I wanted to cloth diaper, but I didn't and now I finally got to start when Oscar was 6 months. 

So that's where we are.

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